May 20, 2024 · < 1
Published in News

On Friday 17 May TSC Consultants Sami Musa and Oli Ng were welcomed into the 2024 Diversity in the Business of Sport (DiBS) mentorship program.  

A global not for profit, DiBS was founded in 2020 out of a collective desire of a group of business professionals who wanted to help increase diversity in the business of sport. 

The 2024 cohort will meet monthly over six months to discuss specific industry or professional development topics, and each individual will also have 1-2-1 sessions with mentors. 

The mentors have senior level experience in leading sports business organisations. Oli’s mentor is Alex Norman of DiBS, while Sami is paired with Louis Antwi of Two Circles. 

Managing Director, Matt Wilson supports the initiative: “As an organisation, we support and encourage the continued development of EDI within the sports industry. Through TSC’s EDI workstream, of which Sami and Oli are active members, we are dedicated to fostering inclusivity through both internal initiatives and external partnerships.  

“Both Sami and Oli have demonstrated commitment and proactivity to be accepted onto DiBS and I look forward to how we can all support and engage with the ideas and strategies that they will discuss in the program.”  

Read more about the program here.