August 9, 2012

Birmingham City Council has appointed The Sports Consultancy, in partnership with S&P Architects and Mace, to conduct an options appraisal to inform decisions on the future of The Castle Swimming Pool, Castle Vale, Birmingham.

The study will include an appraisal of the deliverability, viability and financial sustainability of a range of options. These will include refurbishment and new build options. The conclusions of the study will include identification of a preferred option. The findings from the studies will be considered by the Council before a decision is taken on how to proceed with the development of new facilities.

Dave Wagg (Project Manager for Birmingham Strategic Sport) who is leading the Council’s team said:

“Birmingham City Council is very pleased to be working with The Sports Consultancy in order to provide a thorough, robust and impartial study into the options available for the future of the Castle Pool. The study will provide both the Council and the local community the information required to move forward with the provision of sporting facilities within Castle Vale.”

Tom Pinnington, Project Manager from The Sports Consultancy, who is leading the project team said:

“The team at The Sports Consultancy is delighted to have been appointed to complete this important study for the future of swimming provision in the Castle Vale area. We look forward to working with the Council and stakeholders to deliver a thorough and robust study which will inform important decisions by all parties on how to proceed with facilities for the local community.