Strategising NASCAR’S Global Expansion


The Brief

NASCAR is a US family-owned property with feeder series events in North and South America and Europe. TSC was engaged to develop an International Growth Strategy and expansion roadmap targeting regions with high motorsport demand for its premium Cup Series Races and to develop an expansion timeline for existing and new properties.

The Solution

TSC implemented a target assessment framework that evaluated audience size, infrastructure, and market potential to identify key growth regions. We identified markets with strong motorsport demand, and designed a 10-year roadmap incorporating NASCAR’s development pyramid from grassroots to elite. The strategy focused on long-term growth by leveraging global motorsport opportunities.

The market assessment and roadmap provided NASCAR with a strategic process to identify markets with the greatest commercial potential. The findings informed NASCAR’s decisions, supported commercial discussions, and laid the foundation for international expansion. TSC presented the full strategy report to NASCAR’s Board of Directors to guide their global growth efforts.

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